Tag: O!susume RadioBeat

  • O!susume – Hitorie/wowaka

    O!susume – Hitorie/wowaka

    Recently I was able to see my favorite band, Placebo, in concert (tied with my other favorite artist Dir En Grey), and while waiting for the concert to begin my partner Eve (and sometimes guest author on O!susume) mentioned a Vocaloid producer she had gotten into called wowaka who had passed away in 2019 at…

  • Editor’s Choice: Top Five Anime OPs!

    Editor’s Choice: Top Five Anime OPs!

    There are thousands of anime opening songs and visuals out there. But which are objectively the best, according to the opinions of three relative nobodies? Check out what Erin, Nagi and special guest Eve have to say.

  • O!susume – Quruli

    O!susume – Quruli

    Back when I was first starting to get into indie Japanese music, I was also very curious about the history of the genre. Who were the bands that paved the way for the music that I was so engrossed with? That led me to pick up the book “Quit Your Band: Musical Notes From the…



    Something a bit different for this Broadcast; since both Erin and Nagi love our featured band ASIAN KUN-FU GENERATION, they decided to combine their thoughts and recommendations into a single article!

  • O!susume – Bonnie Pink

    O!susume – Bonnie Pink

    For this month’s O!susume, I’ve chosen to recommend Bonnie Pink, a solo artist with a prolific career of nearly 30 years. I was first introduced to her music via the Tales of Vesperia opening theme, “Ring a Bell”, or 鐘を鳴らして (kane wo narashite) in Japanese; she sang both the English and Japanese versions of the…

  • O!susume – PLOT SCRAPS

    O!susume – PLOT SCRAPS

    This month’s O!susume is a band that I recently found that I’ve been listening to a lot and I wanted to learn more about them and give some song recommendations! PLOT SCRAPS is a small 3 piece pop-rock band signed to No Big Deal Records, a small label that has a few noteworthy acts like…

  • Nagi’s Japan Trip Album Roundup!

    Nagi’s Japan Trip Album Roundup!

    A quick and dirty review of the secondhand albums Nagi picked up while traveling around Japan last month!

  • O!susume – Yoh Kamiyama

    O!susume – Yoh Kamiyama

    It’s time for my first O! Rec of the year! This time I’m recommending a few songs from musician Yoh Kamiyama, a Vocaloid producer turned pop artist with an EDM and R&B spin. I first found the artist’s music from the theme song of the anime Horimiya, and I’ve been looking forward to his music…

  • O!susume 2022 Best Hits Countdown

    O!susume 2022 Best Hits Countdown

    A special January 2023 edition of O!susume RadioBeat, where Erin and Nagi select and feature five of their top favorite recommended songs from the past year!

  • O!susume – Band-Maid

    O!susume – Band-Maid

    Broadcast 26: Band-Maid – Back when I first started O!susume RadioBeat, I knew that I was going to write about Band-Maid at some point. It’s literally my favorite band, how could I not? But I’ve held off for a few years now, mostly because I wasn’t ready; I didn’t think my writing could do them…